Children Testimonials
Kestrel House
Marc Fraser P7 - I have been going to kingfisher for 6 years. The reason I like kingfisher is
that they have good quality food and a wide range of fun activities.
Matthew – I like the food and playing on the ripsticks at Kingfisher.
Felicity – I like climbing trees and playing games like rounders. The park is fun too.
Oscar – I like the construction and playing dodgeball. There’s loads of people to play with.
Tom – There’s lots of games to play. The staff are nice and in the holidays we have waterfights.
Aiden – There’s lots of fun games. Football, building Lego, things like that. Nobody hurts you. Adam is really nice.
Lewis –You get to play lots of games and use the construction. Everyone plays with you.
Brooke and Leah – We like games and arty stuff in the GP room. Going out on the roller skates is fun. We like playing with the babies too. The food is nice too.
Hannah – My favourite thing to do is to go swimming in the holidays. Anna makes lots of things with us.
Woodpecker House
Murrin - Arlene you are nice and helpful . You make sure people are ok which is a good thing.
Isla - I like Kingfisher because there are lots of games and fun things to do. I like drawing and going outside to play. At Kingfisher the staff are very kind and helpful.
Ellen - At Kingfisher I like the snacks because they are yummy and the staff ask the children what they would like to have. I also like all the new toys we get and art stuff.
James - I like coming to Kingfisher because I like playing football and the snacks. I like playing in the playground with my friends.
Eloise - Arlene is the best member of staff and she is so kind and caring she is so helpful and she is awesome and she always lets you play fun games.
Stanley - I like playing with the covers and pillows to make dens. I like hockey and football with my friends. The people who work here are nice. The food is good
Aaron - I do fun things here. Swimming in summer was fun and the food is good.
Cameron - I like playing on all the vehicles and the food.
Callum - It’s fun! I like to play with my friends.
Hannah - I like lego and games
Daniel - My favourite food is apricots. I like having friends. I love the toys at kingfisher.
Alexander - My favourite snack is tomato soup or cheesy pasta.
Katherine -There is never a boring day at Kingfisher and that’s what I love.
The staff are lovely, they are kind and caring and they are always willing to help you at whatever it may be.
One of my favourite things about Kingfisher is that they are always asking you about ideas for snack or any activity ideas. By doing that everybody has a chance to have their voices heard.